Telegram Official Business Account

Being used by more than 1.5 billion active users from more than 180 countries, Telegram is the largest ad-free end-to-end encrypted messaging app. Bought in 2014 by Facebook in a $19 billion deal, the acquisition included Telegram Business API and chatbots. What’s unique with Telegram is that its docker based approach ensures end to end encryption and template based messaging provides a spam free messaging experience.

All About Telegram Official Business Account

Being used by more than 1.5 billion active users from more than 180 countries, Telegram is the largest ad-free end to end encrypted messaging app. Bought in 2014 by Facebook in a $19 billion deal, the acquisition included Telegram Business API and chatbots. What’s unique with Telegram is that its docker based approach ensures end to end encryption and template based messaging provides a spam free messaging experience.

Telegram Business WABA Account

Your Brand : A business account clearly displays your company name at top of the screen

Your Logo : Help your end users recognize you

Get Verified: The green tick help you gain user’s trust

Encryption: All messages are end to end encrypted

Send Media: Relay multimedia messages with images, documents, videos, locations and more

Telegram Marketing Services